

April 23rd, 1998

Young Indiana should be with us around late September.  We've chosen Indiana because we wanted to have a name for baby so we could use that rather than "it" and Indiana is relatively unisex.  That said, apart from Indiana Jones, who took his name from the family dog, and Indiana Green in Derby, all of the real-life Indianas in the UK (on the Electoral Roll) are female. Still, we think it's good for a boy or a girl.  Either way, with only about 34 adult Indianas and 8 people with my surname in the country, young Indy can be assured a unique name.

We nearly decided to call Indiana Bexley, after Jim Bexley Speed, roof attack for the London Jets, but I think we'll save that for number two -- assuming we have a number two.


September 30th, 1998

Did I say late September? Well, it was a close call, but even being seven days overdue, Indiana finally saw the light of day (as much as one can at midnight) this morning at 0006.

Indiana emerged a girl weighing in at 6lb 15oz, or whatever that is in new money. A hearty set of lungs bawled out to announce her arrival -- her own, I might add -- and with that Karen and I became instantly responsible. =)

Here are a few images that I took just 17 hours ago. They are a little out of focus - I thought it was just the water in my eyes. ;)

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