WelcomeUseless info page

Fab useless info

Welcome, bored person, to my fabulous useless information page. Within these hallowed walls dwell a myriad of pointless facts about me. You really must have far too much spare time on your hands... Still, now you're here, best not disappoint. To use a much overused phrase; on with the show!

I have two sisters. Their names are Sacha, and Martine. Sacha lives in London, while Martine currently resides in Nottingham.

I start work at 8:30am. These days I think of that time as fairly early in the morning. However, when I was at school, I routinely turned up in the Bell Room at about 7:50am. I used to start my paper round at about 6:45am.

Now you're thinking, "Bell Room? Whassat then?" Well, there are two things you should know about the Bell Room. First, it is a room. Second... "It has a bell?" Oh, so you do know it then? </blackadder> ;) The Bell Room is (was?) a room which adjoined the Staff Room in the old school building. It was where a number of people met before the start of the school day, to chat and do homework. Y'know, normal stuff. It was usually locked when I arrived, but I had my special piece of plastic, cut from the top of a catering pack of margarine, which enabled me to break in.

I like to drink rum, me 'earties. I feel it is in my blood. I mean emotionally, not physically. Y'see, much of the rum is produce of Guyana. If you have read my little auto-biography, you will make the connection.

As I write this line, the time is 10:04am, British Summer Time.

My current car is a FIAT Tipo 1.4ie. It's OK - gets me from A to B. Hands up who knows what FIAT stands for? Nah, me neither. My best guess is "Fix It Again, Tony".

My nodename wasn't meant to be cobalt. My first choice was topaz, but it was already taken. Are there any Demon customers who got their first-choice nodenames? ;) These days I am happy with cobalt.

Did I say myriad? Sorry, I meant "a few". Hehehe. I'll be adding more rubbish to this page as time goes on. You're very welcome to return some day.

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