Who's Nobody?

A lickle bit of info on some of the regulars on alt.tv.red-dwarf. The names (except for mine...) are more-or-less in alphabetical order, sorted by nickname or first name. The list is supposed to contain stuff about currently active posters (i.e. not lurkers or people who have not posted for a long time). However, I'm not always up-to-date. Anyway, now and again, certain people will be removed from the list if I feel that they have left the group, or have not posted for some considerable time. If you are removed, and you feel you have been unjustly treated, mail me for reinstatement.

Note that text for each poster was supplied by the posters themselves. Hence, all lies are theirs!

You can look through the more recent additions if you are just looking for new people.

Furthermore, you can look through the Birthday List.

Annette McIntosh
The Cat
Chris Garrett
Fraser Steele
Lee Weinert
Nadine Wallis
Nick Honeywell
Ryan Macklin
Stuart L
Your name here...

Recent Additions


One has to wonder where it all went so horribly wrong. =)

Friday maintains these pages. He has a page of his own... Friday's own page.

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Annette McIntosh

Play 'Spot the Dwarfer'... ;)
Name: Annette McIntosh (aka El Skutto, aka skutto on IRC).

  • D.O.B.: 24th October 1967 (yeah old and cryptofascist).
  • Occupation: GELF-creator (well sounds better than Medical Research Technician, anyway).
  • Achievements: Outpourings of the frustrated writer in the form of the RDRL, PIPs, etc. (in the absence of any original literary ideas of my own). Learning to tie my own shoelaces at age eight, then realising that sandals are easier anyway (and bugger the fashion faux pas).
  • Likes: Red Dwarf (fancy that), cats (especially my own), ooh... lots of other things (gotta leave something to make conversation about); and not least -- a hologram in uniform (ah, Enlightenment!).
  • Philosophy: Never talk religion, politics or toast.
  • Life-goal: To stay cool and be slinky.

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The Cat

Name:I'm sure anyone who wants to know it, knows it by now.
Location:Ellesmere Port, Cheshire, North West England.

For more detailed information follow the All about Me link at my site.

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Chris Garrett

Name:Chris Garrett
EMail:[email protected]
Occupation:(1) Internet Systems Admin' for Barnsley College
(2) Partner in CG Internet Services
Likes:Beer, Sci-Fi, PaintBall, Lau-Gar Kung-Fu, all music from Pulp to Pink Floyd
Dislikes:The word "Webmaster".
About Chris:Born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and lives with his girlfriend, Clare, and two cats, Casper and Tigger, in a little place no-one has heard of called Harthill. Life is good.

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Fraser Steele

Fraser is the quiet one, dressed in black and looking confused.

I live in Liverpool with Sarah, my girlfriend of nearly 5 years, who is a fantastically talented actress, and may have a window in her diary if you're reading this, Mr. Spielberg.

Fave telly includes Red Dwarf (bloody predictable, I know), Trapdoor, Nightingales, Blake's 7, Blackadder, Star Trek, blah, blah, blah.

Hobbies include being sarcastic, cooking and juggling.

I was once described as 'quite good looking, when you get used to where his features are.' Whether that was a compliment or not is open to debate.

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  • Name: aitchbee
  • IRC Name(s): aitchbee
  • Email Address: [email protected]
  • Homepage URL(s): None (yet)
  • Date of birth: See the Birthday List
  • Location: near Edinburgh, Scotland
  • N/G Status: Occasional poster. One of the notorious Rimmettes.
  • Information: Analyst/programmer. Person of the female gender.
  • Likes: cats, bookshops, banana and walnut ice cream, curries, CB's anatomy, loud music, G&T, black clothing, rain [but not all at the same time :-)]. Hates: people who bite their cutlery when they eat, windy weather, haggis, misuse of apostrophes, anything by Andrew Lloyd-Webber.

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Lee Andrew Weinert. (Sav)

Pic 1 of Sav Pic 2 of Sav

Here are two pictures of Sav. Sure., his nose is a bit wonky... Email him [[email protected]] if you have any preference as to which piccy you like best.

Me first ever memory was that of a 747's Cockpit. I was on my way from the town of my birth (Sydney) to the town I was to be brought up in (Potters Bar). I don't remember why I was there and thankfully I don't remember being at the controls.

In the mid 1980's a void was filled in "Sav's" Life with the airing of Red Dwarf (if you haven't seen it, it's about a ship ). After that Sav ran about raving about the show to everyone he met (nearly). Sav still loves chatting about it, quoting from it, picking over it and generally being *very* mad about it. Sav would have every piece of merchandise to do with the show, but is too broke/lazy.

On alt.tv.red-dwarf Sav takes on a supporting role in group morale officer, and doesn't see why people have to swear all the time. Arseholes.

The exploits of Sav can be found elsewhere on these pages and Sav refuses to appologise for his appetite. Sav is currently thinking of something funny to write.

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Nadine Wallis

Spot Quiz! Which one is Nadine?

The species of Nadine is known to inhabit the waters of Sydney, Australia, having first been discovered and named on the 10th October 1971. While not originally from these parts, Nadine has spent most of her life around these areas when not enjoying her all too seldom migrations to Britain. She is often found feeding off a solid diet of British TV comedy including Red Dwarf, Bottom, Blackadder, the Young Ones and The Brittas Empire to name just a few. During the day, Nadine leaves her sheltered cave to venture into the wilderness that forms Macquarie University. Here, she sits in on History and Politics lectures, making illegible impressions upon her notebooks, and daring to wonder why everyone can't just be nice to one another for a change. Frequent outpourings of opinion regarding international relations characterise Nadine's rhetoric when she has engaged serious mode. Having disengaged serious mode, she idles around the union coffee shop avoiding the rather-large-building-with-lots-of-books-in-it or returns home to communicate incoherently with fellow smegheads, particularly the Rimmettes :) Attracted to gothic motifs, candlelight illuminates the nocturnal activities of Nadine, especially when watching favourite videos such as Bram Stoker's Dracula. Early, very early, Monday mornings will usually see a bleary-eyed Nadine chatting on #starbug, going under the nick sardy.

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Nick Honeywell

Awaiting fresh submission...

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Overhauled on account of being terribly, terribly out of date:

Despite being born on a quiet Saturday afternoon in the picturesque railway town of Bishop Auckland, Raz soon began his reputation for troublemaking by becoming a peculiar shade of yellow, and demanding transportation to Newcastle and a blood change before agreeing to return to a more sensible pinkish hue. He spent five years in the village of Shildon, remarkable only for inspiring Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer to create the characters 'Donald and Davy Stott', and which has only escaped demolition because it is too insignificant to justify the expense.

After fleeing Shildon, Raz found himself in Aycliffe, where he spent the next fifteen years looking for something nice to happen to him. Several nice things did happen, but generally only tended to last for a couple of months. As those years went by, Raz passed through Comprehensive school despite three threatened expulsions, moving on to survive a two year Computer Studies sentence, with three more expulsion threats, at the Technical College in Darlington (the same town and only one street away, fact fans, from the Sixth Form College where ex-Gladiators-lovely 'Jet' spent her post-school years). Before he knew what was happenning, the indignity of attendance at Teesside University was thrust upon him, and, despite his most concerted efforts, Raz was only threatened with expulsion twice while at this establishment. He made up for this shortfall, however, by being one of two victims of an unsuccessful libel accusation and, against all the odds, Raz emerged after four years clutching his battered Degree in Computer Science.

A short time ago, Raz entertained thoughts of suicide upon reaching his twentieth birthday, and was kept alive only by his love for Gillian Anderson, star of TV's popular "X-Files". Soon realising that dependance on a fantasy figure is somewhat unhealthy, it came to Raz as some relief, and no small surprise, to find himself in love with a girl called Sea, and she with him. This happy state has kept him relatively sane from that day to this.

Raz drinks copious amounts of coffee and has 'unfortunate' hair. His star sign is Virgo. He is no longer single, insofar that he lives with Sea, but has still never owned a flute.

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Age 25. Hobbies include juggling, computing (mainly graphics), driving, and generally bumming around. I am married to Sue, and we have three daughters.

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Ryan Macklin

Name: Ryan Patrick Macklin
Birthdate: 22 July 1978
E-mail: [email protected]
IRC nicks: VoterCol, VColonel, SonOfChaj
Dislikes: my Who's Nobody entry so far. Lemme try it differently...
(after turning on loud music and putting on his trademark blue sunglasses)
Ahh, that's better. Hi, my name is Ryan, and I'm an atvrd poster.
[crowd: "Hi Ryan"]
Well, I guess I'm on to Step #2 now...I currently live in the United States only a few miles away for a close friend of mine, Charles Daniels. (ha ha, my entry is first CD!) I'm an 18 year old Uni student at California State University, Sacramento. I'm majoring in computer science and I'm still talking about meanless crap. brb.
(Ryan changes the track playing on his stereo system)
Ok, that's better still. Ok, Ryan's this bloke who watches Red Dwarf, eats food, and breathes. He spends none of his free time sleeping. He also maintains the Charles Daniels and Ryan Macklin Red Dwarf Page and the Charles Daniels Centre for Pants page, among others, which can be reached from the CD & RPM RD site. Ryan is also president of Associatum Unlimited, a software etc. group. Another thing, Ryan can't type worth crap. So don't think you are funny if you are going to mock him. Ever. He's serious.
Ryan Macklin will be in the UK in July 1997!
[Disclaimer: The above was not meant to be coherent or have any meaning. Have a good planet.]

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Stuart L

Derek L is, in fact, not Derek L. Derek L is Derek L's son, Stuart. This apparently paradoxical confusion of identities can be explained very simply: the account is Stuart's, but his dad's name is on the cheque. To further confuse this already substantially confusing matter, Stuart has, over the years, adopted the pseudonyms "SLAV", "SLAVATZE", "SETH" and "FLOPPY".

Stuart L is a strange, reclusive creature; a person of a mildly scientific, dubiously poetic nature, he spends his days in front of his computer, doing interesting things with various whatsits and composing badly-played songs on his guitar - a rather cheap Encore EW350.

He was born in Manchester, but considers himself a Blackburnian born to exile. He can speak several languages, including fluent Lancastrian and not-so-fluent Yiddish. He is a devoted Communist and an even more devoted Rovers supporter. He is fifteen years old but feels like an old man. The old man in question is Spike Milligan. Spike Milligan acts like a fifteen year old boy, so one can only presume there is a sort of symbiotic relationship between the two.

Stuart's less frightening hobbies are: reading, writing, karate fighting. He was disqualified from the Karate nationals in November '95 for hospitalising an opponent, and since then he has not fought competatively. He broke a mirror when he was five, and has not had sex since. He does not believe in God, and, suspects that, even if there WAS a God, he could have him in a fight.

He came to alt.tv.red-dwarf in June and has not been the same since. Because nothing, NOTHING will ever be the same again.

He likes writing on desks, but prefers writing on windows - "I only write on windows so that what I see beyond them makes sense..." (Stu, '95)

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Your name here...

This is a blank space. You could be here! Mail me about it. Don't bother unless you're an active poster though, 'cos I'll ignore you. =)

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