
Copyright 1994 Fleetway Editions Ltd.

"Thank f*ck it's Friday," they said, and it was.

"Creator of alt.comics.2000ad, and a previous alt.tv.red-dwarf Newsgroup Person of the Year," said Friday, blowing his own trumpet. Wanna hear some noise? Welcome.


Overused homepage phrase...
Under construction. Well, it's not so much under construction as in a permanent state of flux, or stagnation depending upon my mood at the time. Still, it appears to be one of the Rules of the Web[TM] that all homepages must contain the words "under construction" or a graphical equivalent. So, there you are.

For the boyz...
Friday shakes your hand, firmly. "Welcome," he says, " come in, make yourself at home. I'm sorry, I am having a few alterations made, so please mind the construction work."

For the girrrlz...
You look out across the bleak heath, the chill of the air turning your cheeks red, drawn here by a compelling feeling within. You bend, and pluck a sprig of heather from the earth, toying with it as you contemplate your situation. It is cold. You feel it is colder. You breathe in deeply. As you exhale you watch your breath condense before you and disappear. How long have you been here? An hour? Two? Time hangs like a old clock which has long ceased ticking, gathering dust and cobwebs on a the wall of an abandoned railway station. You raise your eyes to the sky. It is grey and inhospitable, yet beautiful. The rain starts. Slowly at first, then ever harder. You pull your coat tight around you. From all sides, darker and darker clouds are rolling in like a pack of hungry wolves descending on their prey.

Suddenly there is a blinding flash of lightning, and your ears ring as the thunder rumbles across the sky. The ground below your feet trembles with the roar of the Earth Goddess. You feel a surge of indescribable power course through your veins. The wind whistles around you, as if trying to sweep you up into its arms, and you are soaked to the bones as the cold rain lashes down. Amidst the turmoil you spy a shadowy figure. It is approaching you, slowly, its long, ragged cloak dancing behind it. As the figure approaches you strain to make out some identifying feature, but cannot. It is of little consequence, you already know who it is. The shadow is upon you now. It gestures with its arms, and the elemental writhing subsides. "Hey, babes," says Friday, "cool trick, huh?" He grins at you, gathering you into his embrace and wrapping his cloak around you. "It's been too long."


Well, here we are. Fun, isn't it? You what? What's there to do? Well, for a start, you can take this opportunity to find out a little bit of info about me. After all, I mainly visit people's homepages for just that reason -- to try and find out more about the person behind the poster. The page also answers the oft-asked question Why Friday?. You can also find out about the girl I love, heart and soul. You might like to read my short autobiography. Then, while you're still reeling from the mediocrity of that, you can find out what's in my pockets. If you're of a mind to, you can have a quick shufty at some of the things in my video collection, complete with what-I-think-of-it-type stuff. If you are killing time, there is also my useless information page, which contains some pointless facts and information relating to me, and my gallery which is home to some images which are relevant to me, for one reason or another. I'm a bit of a doodler. Nothing very good, but all scrawled by mine own hand. You might even like to play "Hunt the Funky Feedback Form". Yep, there is one, but it's not obvious. If you don't mind a bit of black humour, you might enjoy my disaster jokes page. If you are an online games player with a soft spot for first person shoot 'em ups, you probably play Quake or Quake 2 like me. I am a member of The Justice Department, a UK-based Quake 2 clan. You can find out more by visiting our Web site [http://www.llamanet.net/justice/]. Of course, I may not have time to play games once Indiana arrives.

Oh,I also write little Windows programs to do various things. When I let 'em loose on the outside world, I do so under the Honest Ron banner. If you want something to ease the choosing and coding of colours in a Web page's <BODY ...> tag, then you need look no further than Honest Ron's Web Page Colour Thingy (free software). Honest Ron's Switcheroo is a Windows 95-alike taskbar for Windows 3.1/3.11 (free software).


In an effort to compartmentalise myself and give an overall view about who I am, I have constructed this montage. It's only version 1, subsequent versions (should I ever get round to creating them...) will contain more. It's about 125Kb in size in JPEG format. As usual, you can click the thumbnail to access the full version. Erm, well you can if you're using a WIMPy GUI to access this page... Take a look, it's "great"



Roll up, roll up. The world freak show is in town. We have bearded women, human spiders and the changing face of Friday. Yup, them of you what's dead curious may let your peepers peruse a small set of pix of my good self. There is a gap of some eighteen years between the earlier ones and the later ones, so you may gaze upon the cute wonder of my "baby" pix, and wonder where it all went so horribly wrong. *grin* Various comments have been made regarding the pictures, ranging from "you were a very cute kid" to "in the sunglasses one you look like a hitman".

Faces Faces


The FridayList[tm] of Cool Places to Visit
Haha! Fooled you. There is no obligatory set of links to other places here. There was such a list, in earlier incarnations of the page, but I've since realised that everyone has such a list, and I seldom if ever make use of those lists. So, as I find that they generally have no interest for me, I've decided not to have one. Got that? However, there are some links to other places which are part of body-text. Maybe, one day, I'll reinstate the list, but don't you dare hold your breath!


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Copyright 1994 Fleetway Editions. The picture at the top of this page came from Fleetway Edition's Rogue Trooper strip which appears in 2000AD (The Galaxy's Greatest Comic), in orbit every Saturday. Art droid: Henry Flint.

The Cobweb alt.tv.red-dwarf 2000AD


Please let me know if there are any problems, broken images, broken links etc. Thanks.

[email protected]

Copyright © 1997 Friday
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