WelcomeAbout me

"It's Friday," they said, and it was.

You want contents? OK, here you are, then:

Who is Friday?

I am [email protected]. I could tell you my real name, but then I'd have to kill you. =)

I was born on November 24th, 1968 in London, England. This was exactly 100 years after the birth of Scott Joplin -- a fact made even more remarkable by the fact that I can't play the piano, and have a limited musical ability. =) I have lived in various parts of England, including London, Broadstairs, Worcester, Lancaster and Manchester. I also lived for 18 months in Georgetown, Guyana. I have two sisters, no children, am married, and do not live in Surrey. However, come September, that part about children will be incorrect... If you wanna, you can read a slightly longer version, which goes into a little more detail - it's not, like, mega-long or owt though. I have also assembled, should you be bored enough, a page of useless information about me.

Where is Friday?

I am in Lancaster, England. Lancaster is an historic city, famous for, erm..., well I suppose the House of Lancaster and all that War of the Roses stuff. It is also the site of the Reebok headquarters. Lancaster is roughly 60 miles NNW of Manchester and about 20-odd miles south of The Lake District. Here is a map, showing where Lancaster is, and beside it a flattering view of the city itself.

Map of GB showing where I am Photo of Lancaster
What does Friday do?

I am a programmer. I code forecasting systems. I also maintain the newsgroup homepage for the group alt.tv.red-dwarf. In my leisure time, when I'm not playing on IRC or suchlike, I may be out riding one of my bikes. I have a Nigel Dean 531 road bike, and a Specialized Rockhopper for the mucky stuff. I am also toying with the idea of getting a proper bike, i.e. a motorbike. Musically, I may be found listening to Madness, Pogues, Levellers, PSB, The Jam and all sorts of other goodies too numerous to mention. When it comes to football, it's Liverpool FC all the way. You can find out how they're doing in the Premier League, and read match reports by visiting the SoccerNet Liverpool FC page.

I can also be found wasting my life away, and running up huge bills with my telecoms provider, on IRC, generally on #dl-bar or #starbug. I used to be a regular of #gb, but politics and fuckwittery took its toll on the channel. If you wanna find me, I'll be using one of the following nicks: FriedA, FriedDuck, HonestRon.

I can also be found posting to various newsgroups, mainly alt.tv.red-dwarf, demon.local and alt.life.universe.everything.

Why "Friday"?
Long story. Well, OK, short story. In days of yore, when I were but a wee nipper, I used to waste oodles of dinner-money on Space Invaders machines. "Yeah, didn't we all?" Well, yes, we did, but I'm just setting the scene. I wasn't very good. I mean, I could hold my head up, but I never graced the very top of the high-score tables. Still, that's by the by. When I eventually did get good enough to need some initials for the high-score tables I wanted something which would stand out in the crowd. My real initials were rather ordinary, so I used to register as XIX. "Er, yeah. Right, Fri, but what's that got to do with 'Friday'?" Well, after a while, along came Pac-Land. This machine let you use five, count 'em, five letters on the high-score table. Marvellous. So, I changed my handle from XIX to ROGUE, after the character Rogue Trooper in the comic 2000AD. Now we're getting close. When I got my Demon account, I started posting under my real name. After a few weeks of that I decided to use a nom-de-.net instead. The obvious choice was my high-score handle. However, as 2000AD had introduced the Friday character into the Rogue Trooper strip, I followed suit, and picked the handle you see me with today. It could have been worse - I was going to use one of my school nicknames. If I had, you would now be reading all about Bonger. I know what you're thinking now; "Bonger? Why Bonger?" That, dear reader, is a story for another time...

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